Python Data Types
What is data types?
A python variable can store different types of values, Types of values stored by a variable known as data types.
Classification of data types.
Built-in data types of python are classified as :
1. Text type contains string (str). for example,
- str :- a = "aman"
2. Numeric types contain integer (int), float and complex. for example,
- int :- a = 3
- float :- b = 4.2
- complex :- c = 5j
3. Byte types contain bytes, bytearray and memoryview. for example,
- bytes :- a = b"code"
- bytearray :- b = bytearray (2)
- memoryview :- c = memoryview (bytes (6))
4. Boolean types contain True and False. for example,
- True :- a = True
- False :- b = False
5. None type contains None. for example,
- None :- a = None
6. Sequence types contain list, tuple and range. for example,
- list :- a = [ "table" , "chair" , "book" , "pen" ]
- tuple :- b = ( "book" , "copy" , "pen" )
- range :- c = range(5)
7. Set types contain set and frozenset. for example,
- set :- a = { "ram" , "sita" , "shyam" }
- frozenset :- b = frozenset({ "tv" , "phone" , "computer" })
8. Mapping type contains dictionary (dict). for example,
- dict :- a = { "company" : "google" , "name" : "Abhi" , "age" : 28 }
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